Today is a day off for me and for Cole. It's a Jewish holiday, and I have a Jewish friend, so shame on me for not knowing which holiday. OK, I just looked it up and it's Rosh Hashana. Happy Rosh Hashana Beth!
So today we just got two more vaccines for Cole and he took it pretty well - so far. (I am crossing my fingers for how he will take it over the next few days,) Sure, he screamed and cried, but after the infant tylenol and some nursing, he was a happy camper. He was actually smiling. I hope he doesn't get any severe side effects from either vaccines. I never realized how scary being a parent can be. It's a constant replaying of the "What if" question in your head and you just hope that you made the right decision in getting such and such a vaccine. You think that the benefits outweigh the risks and you hope that he doesn't suffer from these decisions. One of the vaccines, I actually requested because it's a common thing to catch in daycare and of course I worried about the consequences of such a decision. I guess it feels right when they recommend it but when they don't insist on it then you feel like the ball is totally in your court and it's on you if something goes wrong.
So I'm feeling like a bad mommy blogger. I have not been keeping up on milestones or updates on Cole's development like I'd like to.
So here goes. He's 15 weeks today.
His weight: As of Tuesday he weighs 13 lbs 10 oz.
His eye color: Has turned from dark blue to brown, although the rims are still a shade of blue.
His hair color: Looks to be a light brown.
This leaves no doubt:
he likes the television |
His interests: He likes the television. Am I a bad mommy or what? Or is Keith a bad daddy or what? You pick. Anyway, he enjoys watching the television and will do a 180 degree turn if he is on your lap facing you and the television is on behind you. He likes books. I've been reading a book to him every day. I brought a bunch of books to The Bookworm, a used bookstore and came home with four used Dr. Seuss books. Apparently Dr. Seuss books are a hot commodity in the used bookworld. I think The Foot Book is his personal favorite. (I posted a
daily cuteness picture recently of Keith reading The Foot Book I borrowed from the library). He likes to chew things. He chews and sucks on his wubbie lately and he has a fondness for grabbing our fingers and putting them in his mouth. He likes looking at green things - namely, plants.
His dislikes: Any pacifier but the Avent pacifier. He makes a yukky face and spits them out. Through trial and error the Avent pacifier is the only one he will take, even if it is for a short while. He dislikes going to sleep. Not even going to bother explaining that one, because if you are a parent, you know what THAT is like.
Reaching |
Motor skills: He pet Clem yesterday. And she promptly stood up from her reclined position and said fearfully "Oh My God, it's starting. That thing can touch me!" He reaches up and touches the toys hanging from the curved bar above his bouncy seat. He is still working on doing a full rollover. He can turn pages of books, whether they are made of cloth, plastic or paper. It's not graceful, but it's still amazing to watch! He grabs onto my hair and does NOT let go. That's a fun one. I am still not cutting my hair because I know he'd still grab it even if it was shorter. (Although I had a crazy dream last night that my hair was short, and I didn't know how it got that way!) He can hold toys with both hands. He can lift both feet up and hold them in the air. He has even gotten one foot almost in his mouth.
Sleeping skills: As of the past week or so, he's finally showing signs of being able to fall asleep while drowsy. We used to have to wait until he was sound asleep before putting him down. Boy did that do a number on our backs. We've placed him down a number of times in his co-sleeper while still drowsy, after being rocked just a little bit, and he's fallen asleep. Last weekend I even got him to fall asleep by laying down in my bed next to his co-sleeper and closing my eyes until he closed his and fell asleep. It was very sweet. Sometimes he fights it though. Last night was a perfect example. But I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say, he wanted to be awake way more than he wanted to sleep.