So I took Cole to the doctor again on Tuesday. He was still congested and a bit fussy and not sleeping well because at some points during the night he couldn't breathe through his nose. Our regular dr is in vacation so we saw someone else. He thinks Cole has reflux. One way to remedy that is to elevate the mattress. Coles regular dr has already mentioned that as a possibility ( especially considering the signs: he spits up a lot more lately and sometimes when he spits up it appears to be the entire feeding- although it probably isn't considering the weight gain.) We did the elevation of the co- sleeper mattress and it seemed to help the first night- although last night he was pretty cranky.
As for me, I'm still sick and frustrated with the dr for not paying close enough attention. I'll explain what i mean. Last week I called the office to tell them I wanted an antibiotic. I had been sick for 2 weeks by that point and just wanted to get better. I had done everything ( saline spray, steam bath etc) to get better and was taking the only cold medicine I could- mucinex.
So he prescribed me an antibiotic that was not recommended for use by breastfeeding mothers. It also had lots of scary warnings all over the bottle. He was gone for the day by the time I got the medicine so the dr on call prescribed me something else and said if it doesn't help in 48 hrs to call my dr because it's one of those medicines that don't always help patients with sinus infections. However my dr said I should wait it out (it's a 10 day medication ) but it's been 5 days and I still feel like crappola. Yesterday I stayed home from work and Keith took Cole to daycare and I rested as much as I could. I'm still feeling run down with aches and I am still congested. My mucus is still yellow. My ears also still feel infected and they keep unclogging and clogging back up. It's not easy to teach with clogged ears, let me tell you.
I hope the dr finally listens to me and prescribes me something that I can take and that will help me.
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