Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Love Affair

I sold my Beco Butterfly 2 on eBay for $76. Yay for dealing with my addiction in a healthy way. And that, my friends, is why my "addiction" will heretofore be discussed as my "love affair." I love babywearing and I love baby carriers, but I know when it's necessary to let some baby carriers go. I think that is the sign of a healthy love affair, so I am dropping the use of the word "addiction."

After testing out the Ergo for the past month and a half, I've realized just how uncomfortable and cumbersome my Beco Butterfly 2 really is. I'm all about comfort (read - not painful) and ease. So that is why I sold it.

I still have the Beco Gemini and do not plan on giving that up. While Cole has not always liked it, lately he's digging it, and so am I. However, there are some features I do not like. The straps are somewhat flimsy and the neck/chest straps digs into my boobs a bit. But I do like the head rest and the supportive body.

Babywearing with the Beco Gemini

I am interested but not completely sold on buying myself another carrier - this time the Ergo.  I've been wearing Heather's Ergo for about a month and a half now and, while I love it, there are some things I'd like to change. It's mostly  comfortable, but it sags somewhat and so it weighs on me. So that is why I went to Waddle and Swaddle and tried the Performance model of the Ergo carrier. Cole smiled while I wore the Performance and was upset when I wore the original. However, the contoured shoulder straps dug into my breasts a little. I am going back to Waddle and Swaddle this weekend while Keith shoots a wedding to test out the Performance for a longer period of time.  I'll report back if I buy it.

Mama and Cole in the Ergo...

Sleeping baby (Cole has never actually fallen asleep in the Gemini.)

Notice how I am slightly hunched over in the Gemini and in the Ergo (the first Ergo picture.) This is what happens whenever I wear him on my back in any carrier.  I was researching another carrier brand altogether (Boba) and they claim to give more back support to the baby so that you are not feeling like you have to hunch over to overcompensate for the baby pulling on you. The problem is that I can't find a local retailer that carries this brand so that I can try one out. Also, according to their website a problem with the carrier is that because the back is so high on the baby, some babies don't like being confined. Guess who hates being confined? If it's not comfortable for him, then he'll get upset, and I won't be able to wear him. Which would then defeat the whole purpose of babywearing.

I think when I go to Waddle and Swaddle on Saturday, I'm also going to have her help me with my Gypsy Mama Wrapsody Bali Breeze wrap. I almost sold it on eBay, but then cancelled the auction because I had listed it wrong. Now I'm thinking it's not even worth it to sell it, especially since wraps are supposed to be the best for distributing the baby's weight. The only problem with the wrap is the ease of use. It's such a royal PITA to use that thing, which is mostly why I gave up using it. It's also 6 yards long! But the store owner on Wednesday did a demonstration on herself of how to put the baby in a back carry. It didn't look easy, by any means, but it did look to be comfortable when she was done. I think that while I'm there testing out the Performance Ergo, I'll have her help me with my Wraposody. And who knows? Maybe I will leave there not with a new carrier, but with a new understanding of how to use one I already own. Wouldn't that be something?

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to let me know how the Ergo performance goes. I think I want to try it for our next baby and I definitely want to learn to use a wrap more efficiently/easily. Our babywearing days are over now - Kale won't tolerate anything for even five minutes. Sometimes he'll go in Kris's backpack carrier, but it's way too uncomfortable/heavy for me. I totally miss babywearing. Especially wearing a teeny tiny newborn.....STOP THE BABY FEVER!!!
