Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Goat Cheese Incident

Whenever we go out to eat and Keith wants to order something with goat cheese for Cole, we will forever be reminded of what is now known as The Goat Cheese Incident (well, I will forever be reminding him. And not because he's guilty of anything, but because we were both a party to the incident: he gave Cole the goat cheese and I was barely even paying attention.)

It happened in Lake Placid. I didn't post about it during my camping posts because Keith was hijacking the pictures and when he finally released them to me, I totally forgot to write about it. So in brief:

We ordered a cheese plate and a hummus plate for Cole. After eating various pieces from both plates, Keith gave him a mixture of strawberries and goat cheese. Now, mind you, he has eaten and loved goat cheese before, but as I've written here in previous posts, Cole's tastes change with the direction of the wind, so we tend to find out about his dislike for something in funny (and not so funny) ways.  This was definitely one of those funny ways. Without further adieu, here are the pictures....

Moments before the incident when Cole was innocently eating a carrot stick and cranberries

Mommy being totally clueless about what was to come.

Just the beginning of the incident (I'm still a bit clueless there, sipping my water and not looking at the mess developing on my child's head)

And there it is, folks.

Goat cheese, goat cheese, everywhere....

Goat cheese, goat cheese, in my hair!

Daddy's solution: A fancy napkin doo-rag (notice me standing on guard pretending to know what to do about this)

Nope! We forgot about Cole's love/hate relationship with hats

Have you ever experienced such a mess in public?


  1. Haha! These pictures are so cute! Cole looks like he is having the BEST time!

  2. Oh he did! He didn't even mind the bath.
