Monday, December 20, 2010


Lately I've been feeling disconnected. Our phone barely rings anymore. My email inbox is no longer brimming with interested and curious emails from friends. I find it hard to stay in touch with my friends just as much as they do, which means less contact and more disconnect. And it makes me feel sad. The part of me that used to call my friends on a regular basis has taken a back seat to the new mother in me, who would rather spend quality time with her baby than trying to juggle the friend on the phone in one ear and the baby babbling to me in the other. It doesn't seem fair to both the baby or the friend.
I know I have the blog and those who care check it out when they have time. But the blog is mostly one sided. You hear about me, but I don't hear about you. I don't hear about your ups and downs, nor do I hear about your happy days or your baby's milestones. And I'm dying to know. But unfortunately I don't until it's way after the fact. And I want to know sooner! After all, my friends are like my family. After all, at our wedding more of my friends came than my family.
What's weird about all this is that when we first had Cole we stayed connected with people. But since I've gone back to work we've had less and less time to stay in touch with friends.
So in the end this all leaves me feeling disconnected. I wish I could take an hour or two every weekend to call people, but our weekends go by so fast that at 3 am on Monday morning I'm rubbing my eyes trying to figure out how it became Monday morning so soon.
I used to be able to call friends while I was nursing Cole and that was my time to catch up. Unfortunately he is so distractible that if I so much as look at my phone he pops off me without releasing suction. And if you've ever breastfed you know how that feels.
If I'm not feeding him I'm playing with him and if he's sleeping I'm getting school work done or doing laundry or cleaning pump parts and bottles or making the next day's lunch.
I think that a solution is this: take time once every two weeks to call people and let them know that the conversation may be cut short if motherhood calls. At least then I would have made the effort and heard a little bit about what's going on in their lives, more than an email or Facebook can ever do.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. I can totally relate to this. I used to make all my phone calls while nursing Kale and that's totally impossible now. It sounds like you've come up with a good solution though and a compromise between your friends and Cole's needs. Balance, eh? It's totally tough to find.

  2. I'm afraid I'll be feeling the same way when I go back to work next month
