Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daily cuteness: On my back...

and in the Beco butterfly 2. On Monday I wore Cole while I made some baby food ( sweet potatoes and turnips). These pictures were during our mirror checks. If I noticed he was getting cranky I brought him to the bedroom where we smiled at each other in the mirror. During one of the mirror checks I got the bright idea to use the mirror to take a picture of him up close from over my shoulder. You can also get a great view of my messy dresser.


  1. Seriously, who cares about the mess when the subject of the photo is so cute?

  2. Thank you for overlooking my messiness in favor of the cutie pie!

  3. He looks like a little monkey back there! Too cute. I've been trying to put Kale on my back lately too and we do the same thing with mirror checks. It's so nice to have your hands free for a few minutes without having to watch them like a total hawk.

  4. I haven't tried wearing N that way but you just inspired me to give it a shot! :)

  5. Randalin- I totally agree! You must post pictures.

    Kitten- you too! (glad I could be such an inspiration:))
