Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It is amazing how the tables have turned with the cats and their love/hate/scared relationship with Cole. As I've written before, Clem was in love with Cole when we first came home with him, but Kiwi was extremely jealous. Now, Clem is deathly afraid of him, running at the first sound of the aforementioned screeching. Earlier today I saw half of her face by the archway with one orange eye watching Cole and I, but the other eye was hidden behind the wall. As soon as she saw Cole make a move, all I could see was a swatch of black fur and then she was gone. It was pretty funny. Now, Kiwi is the one who allows herself to be petted, squeezed, and munched on. All within reason of course. If it gets to be too much, she moves on. We've also noticed that Cole loves to play with Kiwi and Clem's toy, this ball inside a plastic circle contraption (I'm really good at naming things, as you can tell).  I'll post a pic below.

So today was a snow day for both Keith and I, and we have yet to go outside! We've both been working in shifts, me either grading or blogging, and Keith revamping his website. Check it out and let  me know what you think. He'd love the feedback. Cole has been pretty tired and cranky today, so I've put him down twice this afternoon for a nap. He does not nap well at day care for whatever reason, so I try to make sure he naps well when he's home with us. Speaking of day care, I picked him up yesterday and Cole's teacher asked me about him saying "Mama" and of course I was thrilled to hear that he was continuing to say it at day care. She said that around 4 p.m., when I usually pick him up, he got cranky, started to say "Mama" and kept watching the door! I thought this was so sweet, but I also felt bad because I didn't pick him up until 5 p.m. since I stayed after school to get some work done. He also says "Baba", which the teacher thinks is because the other 7 month old is also saying "Baba" so he's picked it up from her.

In other news, Keith's birthday is next Tuesday, so we're taking a trip to Lake Placid this weekend so Keith can snowboard at Whiteface and so Cole can see the Adirondacks. This is our second annual trip there. We went there the same weekend last year when I was pregnant with Cole. Although the week afterwards brings back dark memories of the beginning of our fight with pre-term labor, the trip to Lake Placid was wonderful. It was beautiful there and it was, if I recall correctly, the first time Keith really felt Cole kick. I spent the rest of my pregnancy in bed with a kickboxer living inside of me. I guess all those countless hours of kicking gave him strong enough muscles to start walking early. I know he hasn't started yet, but I can see it happening soon with the way he is progressing. This is terrifying and exciting all at the same time.
 Clem stays a safe distance away. And again, she is the motivation for him to move forward on his own.

This is the one-handed stand I was telling you about. This was captured on our Canon Rebel.

A toothy grin! Keith took about 10 photos before Cole opened his mouth for a full-on smile! I guess that's how you do it, Mumsy!

And he bares the teeth again for an even better look!

Going right for the thing he's not supposed to touch. Right there with you, Randalin!

Cole plays with the cat toy.


  1. Toothy grins and snow days?! So awesome!
    Aren't cats so weird? Our cat is suddenly hanging around Kale all the time now that Kris is home during the day. Apparently the males stick together around here.

    I hope you have an amazing weekend!!

  2. P.S. It's totally possible that your email address is posted somewhere on your blog, but I can't find it. I was wondering if you could email me so I can pick your fantastic brain about Kale's nursing schedule.

  3. Ummmm, Zach has that shirt with the bears on it.
