Here are some photos from this past week that tell the story of some of what we've been going through...
Though I am still pissed that that dumbass hit my car, we did get a new car seat out of the deal. Here is Cole in his new Evenflo Symphony 65. We liked it so much we bought another one for Keith's car.
This is Cole and I last Saturday taking a walk in the yard. Don't you just love the hat?
Here is Cole stealing Nick's cheerios. He actually pulled Nick's stroller closer to him so he could get his hands on the cheerios. Check out Keith's blog for the pictures Keith took of Nick and his older brother.
Cole conked out after his afternoon (post-work and daycare) nursing session. This is what happens when babies wake up too early. If only he'd listen to me.
Keith took this of Cole standing on his own one morning this week. Cole has been taking more and more steps on his own at home and at day care. (I finally told day care they could tell me if he walked because I had seen enough first steps at home.)
This was taken Saturday after we ate our annual Mother's Day brunch with Keith's mom.
Here is Cole in his first car.
Doesn't he look like such a little boy here?
Cole likes to watch balls bounce, even on his own head.
My Mother's Day dinner Saturday night. If you can see the bruise on my left cheek, it's from my molar being pulled last week, not because my baby banged his head on my head one too many times.
I love the photo of him in the car