Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No control

The funniest thing to watch besides an alert Cole making 20 different faces a minute is a sleeping Cole with no control of his limbs. When he is asleep his arms flail about aimlessly. Sometimes they both raise up in the air. He then wakes up, looks around and closes his eyes again. Sometimes one arm goes up by itself, giving the appearance of a salute. However, it's not as funny when he is awake because he generally tends to hurt himself more. The worst is when he is crying and he whacks himself in the face with his hand, causing his cries to grow more shrill and his face to get even more red - to the point of looking a little purple. Speaking of a purple face, Johanna taught me a little trick Monday. She taught me to blow in Cole's face lightly when he holds his breath during one of his crying spells. This usually occurs when I am changing his diaper. Did I already mention how changing Cole's diaper causes him to scream BLOODY MURDER??? I think I have, but I thought I'd mention it again.  This screaming makes changing his diaper 10 times more stressful than it should be. Once in a while though, Cole surprises us and just looks around quietly, even cooing a bit, while we happily change the diaper, exclaiming all the while that we're so glad he pooped or peed. Sometimes he even smiles, as if to say "Aaahh, a clean diaper. Thanks mom/dad for cleaning off that gross watery poop."

Although the perk of breastfeeding is that Cole's poop does not smell like shit, that is not to say it doesn't smell. Keith says it smells like sour Cheerios and he says he'll never be able to look at a bowl of Cheerios the same way again, nor will he even consider eating it. Whatever the smell, it is usually very watery, a bit seedy, and either yellow or green. Only every once in a while does he push out a little turdlet. And the turdlet usually resembles a pea. I look at it and think, funny, I don't remember eating peas for dinner last night.....

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