I am sure you've noticed the lovely new look my blog has.
I wish I could take credit, but I have no graphic design skills whatsoever. I don't know HTML and have only ever used Blogger's templates. I like a simple looking blog, but I've always wanted it to look just a little bit prettier. I'm a writer by nature, not a designer (although I know plenty of people who are both). My husband can attest to this.
It's this lady over at Harvesting Kale who is one of those people. She's funny and talented and makes her blog look simple yet beautiful. She has so much fun doing it that she offered to redesign mine! I totally took her up on it and am so happy I did.
Thanks Randalin! If you love this redesign as much as I do, please click on this link and vote for her blog on Circle of Moms. It's just two simple clicks.
It was my pleasure! I still need to figure out what's creating the shadow on the background though. It didn't seem as visible on my home computer, but now that I'm seeing it at work (wider screen) it's bothering me!