I love the children's books we read to Cole. But I've discovered some things while reading the same books over and over and over and over again:
-The man with the yellow hat practices some real free range parenting if you ask me. How does he just happen to let George out of his sight so easily and find him just after he's gotten into trouble? George is either really lucky that he gets to experience so much during his curious adventures, or he's going to get really effing hurt someday!
-Emily Elizabeth is always forking over money for Clifford's gigantic mishaps. Sometimes the narrator tells us and sometimes it's just obvious. She's got the green and the angry person is holding out his hand. I guess money is the answer to all of our troubles, eh?
-The ending of nearly every story that is not part of a series is you guessed it - bed time. It boils down to this: we love spending time with our kids, but at night, we really want to them to GO the F*CK to SLEEP so we can get some shit done.
Hhahahaha - this is great! Thanks for the laugh :)