Sunday, January 13, 2013

This is what happens when...

This is what happens when...

...Cole gets a hold of my iPhone and just has to watch some "bideos"

...Cole eats a cookie with waaaaay too much sugar

....there are no fingernails left to chew

...the pizzeria is showing Spongebob Squarepants

....Cole checks out a book at the library

....Cole refuses to nap


...Cole refuses to nap and we get in the car and drive for 10 seconds

....Cole tries to take control of the iPhone

....marketers use Spongebob Squarepants to sell their stupid products

....I put Cole to bed (every.single.night)


  1. I love this post!!! Cole is seriously the sweetest and cutest little dude. The last picture gave me a good chuckle :)

    1. Thanks! I had fun creating this post. That last picture is like the epitome of what it's like putting him to sleep. I'm literally putting myself to sleep every night.
