Monday, March 21, 2011

All things electronic

This is probably true of most babies, but Cole seems to like electronic things. He likes things that light up, have digital displays or make noise. This means he likes things that I'd prefer he not play with. But sometimes when those things just happen to sit around the house in easy to reach places, it is difficult to stop him from obtaining these objects. He often gets his hands on any of the following: the baby monitor, the remote control, the telephone, the alarm clock, the digital photo frame, etc.


  1. yep yep yep. We're there, also. To the point that we take the batteries out of the remote once we settle on what to watch, because Zach will inevitably end up with the remote and BAM--the channel gets changed.

  2. Kale's favourite thing in the entire world (I swear - more than my boobs), is my iPhone. At least Cole looks ridiculously cute when chopping on the electonics. I mean, are you actually supposed to get mad at them when they look like that???

  3. Mommy A - that's a great idea! I've considered leaving one of our old remote controls on the couch for him to "find" so he won't chew on the real one.

    Randalin - something more than your boobs?? I can see the draw of the iPhone, I mean we use it all the time- they want to see what's so great about it! Cole has a particular fondness for the rubber iPhone case (I have the otter box case because I am Queen KLutz). He's also always trying to shove it in his mouth.
