Saturday, July 24, 2010


Congratulations to us. We officially bought our first Queen size bed. And I officially nursed in public twice using the Hooter Hider. Once was in Sleepy's where we bought the bed and the next was in Applebee's where we ate lunch while contemplating buying the bed. Our bed will be delivered on Sunday and hopefully Keith and I will stop arguing over whose taking over whose space in the bed! A full size bed is just not big enough for a married couple! Today we are going out to get some sheets.
Today is also the Rosendale Street Festival. I thought it started earlier and thus was going to go with the family (my dad included) , but I learned that it doesn't really start until 12 or 12:30 and it's supposed to be a high of 95 today. Needless to say that plan was nixed. Keith and I are thinking about going later tonight when the sun is closer to setting and it's not as hot or sunny. We'll see how Cole is feeling.


  1. Awesome news on the bed! As for streetfest- just remember that the later it gets, the drunker people become, and it can be pretty irritating just trying to walk down the street.

  2. yeah you're right and we figured it'd still be hot too. we didn't go. we had a fun time at home.
