Monday, January 13, 2014

Bevin Jean: Almost 12 months

She says "ack" and "ack ooom" and mama and dada and "mik". 
She crawls and stands and pushes things around while walking behind them.  
She holds things and chews on them while standing.
She eats like a champ. 
She adores the cats.  If she is upset about anything, seeing the cats will instantly brighten her day. 
She got soap in her eye for the first time this weekend. 
She celebrated her first Christmas. 
She is a tough cookie, falling at least 5-10 times and a day and getting up to keep going each and every time. 

Here is Bevin pushing a chair around...

Let the cabinet opening begin...


  1. Wow - I can't believe she is almost a year old! It's been so amazing to watch her grow, along with Cole.

  2. Thank you. It has been such a fulfilling journey doing this the second time around. You're going to love it!
