Currently Mama is...
Feeling good about the cranio sacral therapy we've gotten for Bevin in the past two weeks. She's seen the physical therapist twice already and I see a significant improvement in her nursing and her willingness to lie on her back. Today for instance she took a nap in the swing (instead of in her usual spot - the sling) and I got to take a nap too. Yesterday she fell asleep nursing my right side (instead of squirming and crying).
Imagining what life will be like for Bevin and Cole when they get older. Will they be close friends? Arch enemies? Something in between? He loves her so much. Sometimes though he gets overexcited. I'll let the picture below do all of the explaining.
Going to try to listen to my friends instead of interjecting, defending or justifying my parenting choices. My friends aren't judging me, they're just sharing their experiences. I need to accept that and stop projecting, so I can be a friend and just listen.
Moving forward with our plan to cloth diaper. We started Monday evening and by Tuesday morning we had gone through the four diaper covers. So I sought out help from New Baby New Paltz and figured out the proper way to use the prefolds and wash the diapers. What I never considered with cloth diapers is
a) how bulky they are in her tiny newborn clothes
b) that messy, explosive diapers can be a yucky challenge
c) how often they need to be changed (every time she pees? Seriously?)
My friend is using flip diapers and likes them but her son is bigger at five months
ReplyDeleteI imagine it gets easier as they get bigger. Right now we're still in the blowout phase.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember - did you cloth diaper with Cole? We didn't with Kale and it's one thing I swore I'd do with a second. I'm sure once you get the hang of it, all will be well, but I imagine it being challenging to start out.
ReplyDeleteNo we used disposables all the way with Cole. It has gotten easier, though we've been using disposables at night.
DeleteWhat sweeties. We did g-diapers with Otto about 2/3 of the time... blowout poops were always a nightmare and my husband made no bones about hating them but I liked them a lot! With #2 I admit I just got lazy so we've done disposable but I admire people who cloth diaper so much! Good luck with that and the nursing/sleep therapy.
ReplyDeleteMy husband was a little hard to convince too. It was the money saving reason that got him.