Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This baby carrier addict is satiated

Thanks to my friend and former co-worker, Heather, my baby carrier addiction is satiated!  I am borrowing her Ergo carrier for the summer. And this was all made possible by Facebook. I put a link up to my recent blog post about this very subject and asked if anyone would lend me their carrier. Sure enough, she came through! How awesome. This is the time that I will need it most. She only brought it over Sunday, and already it has come in handy. Yesterday morning, Cole was refusing to go down for his morning nap. So I wore him on my back for 40 minutes and after some laundry, a little straightening up, and a chat with my neighbor, he was begging to come out and go to sleep. It's not that he didn't like it, it's that it made him tired. All the movement seems to "wear" him out.  

So I have so many blog post ideas swimming around my head. And I have so many adorable pictures to share. I have a little notebook I carry around with me to write down any ideas that come to me. But I can't seem to find the time (or energy once I have a few moments) to write the posts, or even download the pictures. Being a stay at home mommy is definitely a full-time job, and by the time the evening comes along, I have no energy to even think about writing a post. I think being a stay at home mommy is more work than working.  But that's for another post... 

But all that aside, Cole and I have been having a great time together, except when we're battling for him to take a nap, which seems to be happening regularly since Friday after we discovered he's cutting a canine. Ouch. But other than that, I've been creating lots of adventures for us, and we've also been hanging out with lots of other babies. More on those visits in another post. And Keith and I have had a nice week too. We celebrated five years of marriage on Friday and went out for a date night on Saturday. We ate at the restaurant where we were married. More on that in another post!

I will leave you with a pic of me wearing Cole in the Ergo. Note, my new summer haircut has bangs. I haven't had those since high school. I'm still not sure if I like having them. They are kind of a pain to style when you have a toddler to chase!

1 comment:

  1. I borrowed ny SIL's baby hawke carrier on vacation and it's awesome!
