Thursday, September 19, 2013

My behavior

Around here we talk a lot about "behavior." Good vs bad. What defines good (listening, following directions, responding) and what qualifies as bad (ignoring, not listening, doing the exact opposite of what was asked, etc). 

Tonight I read Cole an extra story before bed. He had stayed home with Daddy who was sick all day with a terrible cold that we are all still suffering from to some degree; Daddy just had the misfortune of coming down with it days before a doubleheader (two weddings in a row for a photographer.) So I didn't mind reading that extra story. It was Goodnight Gorilla.

And of course Cole wanted yet another one. 

But I have to draw the line somewhere. 

So I encouraged him to get off the rocker and go to bed.  
Cole: "But I want to stay in the rocker."
Mama: "You have to go into bed so you can go to sleep."
Cole (head down): "I'm disappointed."
Mama: "You're disappointed? Why are you disappointed?"
Cole: "In your behavior."
Mama: "You're disappointed in my behavior? What did I do?"
Cole: "Your behavior. I'm just disappointed in your behavior. "

He could, of course, produce no examples. 

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