Tonight I read Cole an extra story before bed. He had stayed home with Daddy who was sick all day with a terrible cold that we are all still suffering from to some degree; Daddy just had the misfortune of coming down with it days before a doubleheader (two weddings in a row for a photographer.) So I didn't mind reading that extra story. It was Goodnight Gorilla.
And of course Cole wanted yet another one.
But I have to draw the line somewhere.
So I encouraged him to get off the rocker and go to bed.
Cole: "But I want to stay in the rocker."
Mama: "You have to go into bed so you can go to sleep."
Cole (head down): "I'm disappointed."
Mama: "You're disappointed? Why are you disappointed?"
Cole: "In your behavior."
Mama: "You're disappointed in my behavior? What did I do?"
Cole: "Your behavior. I'm just disappointed in your behavior. "
He could, of course, produce no examples.
So precious