Friday, August 2, 2013

Currently enjoying the beach

Watching Bevin touch the sand with her feet for the first time...

Cole is totally loving the sand and all of the ways in which you can play in it.  Don't mind Amazon Mama in the background playing catch with her son. 

Daddy loves his 24 oz of Loose Cannon IPA at the Haversham Tavern last night. 

Mama and Bevin create some smiley selfies. 

Cole listens to his instincts and tries to scare away all of the ants that invaded our table while we were gone. He firmly believes that yelling and stomping can work wonders in pest management. 


  1. I would be afraid, if I were the ants.

    Yay for smilie selfies!

  2. This looks like such an amazing beach day! Bevin looks like the happiest kid ever. She always has a smile on her face and a light in her eyes :)
