Saturday, May 26, 2012

I go in the pool?

Cole has had a hankering for our pool all winter long. He enjoyed the pool last summer, but with him constantly wanting to go up and down the ladder, we didn't go in the pool much when Dada wasn't home. It felt like a constant battle. And he quickly forgot about it in favor of exploring the backyard for the first time.
Now, though, Cole knows the backyard well. And the pool is the center of it all. Literally and figuratively. Since going in last weekend, we realized his main interest is being in the water. He doesn't even want to go near the ladder because he knows where it leads. As you can see, he was overjoyed when we went in on Sunday afternoon, after we went to our farm's annual potluck picnic. The sun had been beating down on us most of the afternoon. So the pool was refreshing (to say the least) for Dada and Cole.

I just love that he's big enough to hold his hand and go places together.

Happiness doesn't quite describe this look. Sheer joy is more like it.

I think we need swimming lessons - STAT!

I just love that devilishly sweet look in his eyes

Still in his 18 month swim suit. Can you tell he's grown?

Splish Splash!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Cole and Kale share another obsession! I honestly don't think we'd survive with a pool in our yard since Kale would insist on being in it 24/7. We have a kiddie pool and he's in that constantly - regardless of the temperature!!
