Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Top 10 things we never thought we'd say to our kid

1) Don't drink your bath water.

2) You can't climb on Dada

3) Lotion is not for eating.

4) Cole, Clem doesn't eat bacon.

5) Take your hand out of the toilet, please.

6) Your shoe doesn't belong in the garbage.

7) It's not time to vacuum now.

8) That's very nice of you to invite Mrs. Claus to dinner, but I'm not sure she eats hummus.

9) Take that fork out of your ear.

10) Cole, stop licking the window.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha - these are so funny! We've said some pretty strange things to Kale too. Sometimes we catch ourselves, but more often than not we don't register how weird what we're saying is until we see a look of bafflement on an outsider's face!
