Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cole at play

Like any toddler, Cole is a playful little guy. We play every day after school and then again on the weekends. He loves to stack blocks and stack the "stacker". He loves to read books, stand at the dining room table and most of all, if the weather is nice enough, he loves to run around with his wings behind him sailing through the wind. On days when the weather permits, I take him to the town park where he can find sticks and freely run. He also enjoys the swing and climbing the various ramps and bars they have at the park.'

My little runner.

I take Cole to the park, and THIS is where he wants to go (the steps next to the community center)

Stacking the blocks

Stacking more blocks

Hmmm, can I eat this?

This kid loooooves schools buses.

In the middle of a truck wasteland

The sandbox at Hasbrouck Park.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos. Our babies are growing so fast! And Cole is beautiful. In case I have never said this before: Good Job, Mama!

  2. Why is it that the pick the one potentially dangerous area to play at the park (i.e. the steps next to the community centre)?

    I love the first picture - so beautiful!
