Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Contemplations of Weaning

I know I've told you dear readers about my boob problems.  My milk ducts clog more than I care to count. The past few months for some reason have been the hardest on my boob. I've had mastitis twice already in two months (this is when a clogged duct gets enflamed, red, hot and the best symptom of all- the owner of the duct gets nasty chills, even on a gorgeous day). After fighting most of March to keep the duct from clogging after February's bout with mastitis, I wound up coming down with it two days into my week off. I tried to cure it naturally, which was successful in February. However, this infection went beyond that. And I had lost all patience. I did not want to try another homeopathic remedy and wait and see some more, so I bit the bullet and took the antibiotics. I started feeling better in 12 hours.

This was Wednesday (the feeling better part). Since then I've seriously considered weaning Cole completely. It was such a difficult decision because I had always wanted to let him wean himself since I know how much he enjoys nursing. I, too, love the connection it allows us at the end of my work day after 10 hours of being apart. After giving it much thought and experiencing what the word "No" did to my little boy, I finally came to a compromise with myself (this probably had a little bit to do with my realization that cutting a night nurse would be a nightMARE.) When I am home on the weekends, or any other vacation day, I am only going to nurse him 3 times a day. That does mean that I have to say "No" at times, but he's slowly learning that I'm not giving in.

What I have done to try to keep him from always asking is this: more physical contact in terms of head rubs, hugs, tickling, peek-a-boo hugs, etc. I also have been keeping as busy as possible doing all sorts of fun play. When he does request Doo Doo and it's not time, I firmly say no and do everything in my power to give him food or drink. If it's comfort he wants, I try and give that to him too. But sometimes if it's a nurse I've typically always done, he throws a fit no matter what I do, and I just have to give it time and/or an episode of "Yo Gabba Gabba" and it's forgotten.

Before I made this decision, Cole requested the Doo Doo whenever he pleased (he still does to some degree), and this sometimes meant every 1.5 hours. I would try to push him off, but he does not easily forget. It was just easier to nurse him than to fight. He's got a molar or two coming in, so I knew the reason he was wanting more, but I just can't let it go on like that. Why? Well, demand equals supply, so I end up with too much supply. Add that to a misplaced shoulder strap from my camera, or a crappy night's sleep, or a stressful drive from New Jersey and voila you have a clogged duct that, if I don't catch right away, gets enflamed. Thus the vicious cycle begins once again.

I have irritable bowels. I probably have an irritable uterus. It makes sense that I would have an irritable breast.

Moments like these make me think twice about weaning before he's ready. {3/30/12}
But moments like these don't. {3/11/11} 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure this won't surprise you, but we have also been working on cutting down on the "ba-boos." I've been limiting Kale to twice a day - when he wakes and before he goes to sleep. I was surprised at how quickly he adjusted and after a couple of weeks, he rarely asks any other time (although he gets ridiculously excited when it is time!). I always wanted Kale to wean himself, but I honestly don't see this happening anytime soon. If I can be as gentle as possible and make the process gradual, well - that's the next best thing, right? Best of luck, mama.
